The Evolution of New Jewelry

This is my favorite part of the process. The part where I get to let my imagination run wild! Then I get to rein it in, see what changes and explore the new options that come from that.
Then I get to move on to my next favorite part...creating the work! I get to let my imagination run wild! Rein it in and explore the new options. Sound familiar? That's because creativity is as much about evolution as it is creation.
I'm currently working on a small new collection that is all one of a kind so make sure you sign up for my email list! I’ll let you know when it's available!
Talk to you soon,
P.S. If you want to take a closer look at any of my collections make sure to visit my on-line shop. Most of my work is one of a kind so while you’re there make sure you sign up for my email list! I’ll let you know when new work is available!