Simple Statement Earrings To Add Polish to Your “Crazy Day” Fall Style

It’s late morning as I write this.
I have a million things to do & not enough time in the day.
I’m rocking the same shirt as yesterday because this morning (at the ass-crack of dawn) I didn’t have the luxury of casually sipping a cup of tea while perusing my closet to select just the right outfit to embrace my day. And I have to run out in a bit to take care of some things. Then come home and take care of a few more things and then go to my shop to work on the collection I’m developing and as this is my current obsession I will be there until the absolute last minute. Once my oldest gets home from school we have to go get my youngest and get to music lessons.
You know what would make me feel like less of a shlub while I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off in yesterday’s clothes?
I know, that’s always my solution, but hey, why mess with a good thing?
And since I’m in a bit of a softer mood today, I think it’s going to be something like these earrings from my Pod Collection. I love how the botanical inspiration and the pink pearl create a softer, feminine feel, yet their size makes them stand out. Anything but “wallflower.”
Make sure to head over to my shop and take a look at these beauties.
Talk to you soon,
P.S. Most of my work is one of a kind so while you’re there make sure you sign up for my email list! I’ll let you know when new work is available!