handmade gold and amazonite earrings

How to wear aqua in the fall.

Aside from however in the hell you feel like it?  How about with a nice warm gold color? These earrings are usually considered a "spring-time color", but they can really work with any time of year!  And blue and yellow is really such a classic color combination it transcends any season.     Nikki P.S.  Head on over to my on-line store to browse all the other gorgeous colors.  Don't forget to sign up for emails so you know when I add new goodies!

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silver garnet and pearl handmade earring

This is one of my favorite pearl earrings.

OK, so that might be like claiming a favorite kid, but man, this one is close!!  And in all honesty I probably have like 4 "favorite pairs" of pearl earrings.  In case you've forgotten, I have posted in the past about my feelings on the subject.  But seriously, how could you not love these earrings?! Still not convinced, or just curious?  Head over to my on-line store & take a look at what those angry little mollusks are capable of! While your there sign up for my mailing list & find out what else I come up with!   Nikki

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Artisan made rings from Nikki Lorenz Designs

You NEED more rings in your life!

Seriously, you need them you absolutely do!  You NEEEED them. OK, OK.  I know.  You need food, you need shelter.  Not jewelry.  Or do you?  Jewelry is just "pretty."  Or is it?  The oldest know jewelry was discovered in 2013 and dates back roughly 130,000 years (those crazy Neanderthals!)  Humans have felt the need for "pretty" almost as long as they've been around.  Therefore, I submit that art (and "pretty") is a need!   Nikki P.S.  If you're in the mood to fulfill you're need for pretty, my on-line store is available to you at any time! P.P.S.  Of course there...

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gold silver lapis pendant and silver gold and pearl earrings

This earring and pendant make a great combination!

I just had to share this pendant and earring combination!  I love how these earrings can elevate jeans and a shirt to something a little "more."  And seriously who doesn't love the rich blue of lapis?  Throw in the added detail of yellow sapphires and this pendant is a no-brainer! Head over to my on-line store to take a look at these great pieces! Nikki P.S.  Don't forget to sign up for my email list to find out what other goodies I create!

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You'll love this turquoise pendant for fall!

I love how the gold in this pendant compliments the gold color I'm seeing everywhere this fall and the turquoise is such a wonderful contrast. This beauty is part of my new collection coming out at the end of the week.  Go over to my on-line store and get on my mailing list so you know as soon as it's available! Nikki

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I love this earring and pendant combination!

I just had to show you this combination from my new bowl collection.  As I said before, this is quickly becoming my favorite necklace and these purple spiny oyster earrings are the perfect earring for fall.  So of course I had to show you how they look together. Of course it's amazing! These guys will be available at the end of the week.  Head on over to my on-line store & sign up for my email list so you find out exactly when they are available! Nikki

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