Unique Gold Earrings to Add Polish to Your Fall Capsule Wardrobe

I love the idea of a capsule wardrobe. I’ve loved it since I was a kid. Remember Garanimals? The clothing line with different animals on the tags? Shirts with Elephant tags matched shorts with an elephant tag. Monkeys went with monkeys, etc. I was in love with the idea of a no-fuss wardrobe even then.
When I became an adult I still loved the idea of a Garanimal wardrobe.
Then I discovered that not only I am not alone, but it’s actually a thing! Of course, now it has a much more sophisticated name… The Capsule Wardrobe. Be still my beating heart!
The whole idea is that you buy a core group of clothing pieces that can work together in different ways. The idea even extends to your jewelry wardrobe.
That’s one reason I love these earrings from my Closed Hourglass Collection. With the sleek, elegant, and modern design they will work in a variety of situations: casual day out, work from home, or in the office. These earrings are my go-to earrings, no matter the occasion.
Talk to you soon,
P.S. If you want to take a closer look at any of my collections make sure to visit my online shop. Most of my work is one of a kind so while you’re there make sure you sign up for my email list! I’ll let you know when new work is available!