Dec 16th is the last day to order for Dec. 25th delivery

Treat Yourself to Something New!

Treat Yourself to Something New!

The year is starting to wind down.  Thank God.  Everyone has been through a lot this year.  If you have survived with your sanity relatively intact you deserve a treat.  How about treating yourself to something amazing, one of my jewelry pieces!

And conveniently I'm going to have a sale soon.  These earrings and ring will both be part of it, along with all the other pieces in my on-line shop.  If you happen to be a member of my email list you'll received a code the day of the sale for a staggering 30% off.  If you're not a member of my email list, that's ok.  The day the sale begins I'll release a code that will get you a very respectable 20% off.  

When is the sale you might ask?...  The SALE IS NOV. 18TH AND 19TH, 2020.

Talk to you soon,


P.S.  If you would like to join my email list you can follow this link and sign up.  While you're at it, head on over to my on-line shop and do some window shopping to decide what you will treat yourself to!