Relaxed Vibes and the Perfect Earrings

Welcome to the start of another week! I don’t know about you, but the kids are still home so it’s a pretty relaxed vibe around my house. At least for the kids, they get to spend time playing with all their new toys.
I, however, have to get off my butt and get back to work. I’ve got lots of new things coming in the new year, so I’m actually pretty excited to get back to work! What new things are coming you may ask? Well, that’s for me to know and you to find out, if you’re on my email list! As always my email list get’s first dibs on new work and since a majority of my work is one-of-a-kind when it’s gone, it’s gone! The moral of this story? Join my email list!! (Sorry, couldn't resist throwing in just one more link! ;)
While you’re in my on-line shop make sure to take a look at these earrings. They’re great for channeling your own relaxed vibe!
Talk to you soon,