Need Something to Brighten Your Grind? New Work is Coming!

I love this part of the creative process…
It’s the time when I take all the little parts I’ve created and put them together. Select the different gemstones that I’ll use. See what is working and what needs tweeking. Not to mention a lot of times I come up with other ideas that turn into future collections.
Of course, this is also followed by my other favorite part, when the work actually gets made. The followed by my next favorite part, photographing the work.
Do you see a pattern developing?
Any-who… In case you can’t infer from this, I’ve got a new collection coming out at the end of the month. Make sure you head on over to my on-line shop and sign up for my email list and I’ll let you know when it’s available. Don’t forget, most of my work is one of a kind, so you don’t want to miss out!!
Talk to you soon,
P.S. In case you need it spelled out... one of a kind means once it's gone it's gone, so make sure you get on my email list!