Jewelry that makes the rainy days brighter

It's rainy and gray today.
It's kind of funny, I spent quite a few years in central Texas where water restrictions were the norm. No watering your lawn unless it's your designated day or if it was bad enough, not at all. (When my son was little he thought grass was supposed to be crunchy!) No washing your car in the driveway, you had to go to a car wash so the water could be reclaimed. Texas is very beautiful but it was completely different than anywhere I had lived before. As with anything that is out of the norm, it changed my perceptions of things. Like rain.
Like I said it's gray and rainy in Virginia today. While I'm grateful for all the things the rain allows, I miss the sun. I guess I'll just have to surround myself with bright colorful things to make up for that. I guess that's why I've spent most of the morning looking at this necklace, earring and ring picture I took the other day!
Here's hoping you appreciate your day and all the benefits it brings.
Talk to you soon,
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