Jewelry in Warm Fall Hues Brings Life to Your Capsule Wardrobe

I know it's still the beginning of Sept., but since we've hit Labor Day all I can dream about is fall weather.
It doesn't help that temperatures keep getting into the 90's.
I don't know if it was a form of self-torture or daydreaming of cooler weather, but I put together this necklace and earring combination from my Bowl Collection the other day and I thought I'd share it with you. I love the way these colors work together.
At almost 2" long these earrings are going to get noticed. I love how their size, the purple, and gold all combine to feel relaxed, but sophisticated. Pair them with the warm hues of the necklace and you have the perfect combination that manages to be approachable, elegant and striking all at the same time. This combo will add a fresh burst of energy to your favorite capsule wardrobe pieces.
Talk to you soon,
P.S. If you want to take a closer look at any of my collections make sure to visit my on-line shop. Most of my work is one of a kind so while you’re there make sure you sign up for my email list! I’ll let you know when new work is available!