Bold Statement Earrings to Keep You Centered During Your Crazy Day

We’ve all had those mornings, you know the one: Your kid woke you up twice during the night and you gave up trying to go back to sleep around 4 because all you can think about are all the things you need to do today. You know, the mornings you reach into your closet and grab the first thing your hand lands on.
After you feed the kids, the dog, pack the lunches, hopefully, remember to feed yourself and take care of all the other things that have to be done in the morning you realize that now it’s time for you to get going and you’re wearing something less than amazing and you need to look presentable and you don’t have the energy expend any more effort than you already have. Ugh.
May I offer a simple solution, one that I’ve employed many times?
Killer statement earrings.
You may be secretly dreaming of a nap, but you’ll look like you absolutely have your shit together and your goal for the day is global domination!
If you would like to use this strategy, I humbly offer these killer statement earrings from my Closed Hourglass Collection. There’s no better way to start your day than over 2 inches of “Damn, I feel powerful!” in your ears. Available now in my online shop!
P.S. Love a power trio? Try this necklace and ring to complete the look! Both are in my shop now.
P.P.S. If you want to take a closer look at any of my collections make sure to visit my online shop. Most of my work is one of a kind so while you’re there make sure you sign up for my email list! I’ll let you know when new work is available!