silver and turquoise ring with dandelions

Silver and Turquoise Ring and Dandelions

As I have mentioned before, one of the best parts of being self-employed is the ability drop everything and... [insert activity here].  The other day it happened to be the park.  If I wanted to make it sound official I could say "the board of directors declared an emergency meeting to discuss growing environmental concerns..."  Really, I just played hookie to take my kids to the park.  One of my daughter's favorite activities on the way in or out of the park is to pick "sunflowers" for Mommy.  Not really sure how dandelions became "sunflowers," but it always make me...

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Pink earrings from Nikki Lorenz Designs

Pretty (& Fierce) In Pink

My grandmother loved pink.  It always made me laugh that she loved it so much.  When most people think of pink they think "super girly" that was definitely NOT my grandmother!  She was many things:  down to earth,  practical and...FIERCE.  She was never one to back down.  When something needed to be done, she did it, no matter how big the up hill battle would be.  So here is to all the the fierce women out there!  Find what makes you smile AND feel fierce! Nikki

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one of a kind gold necklace and pearl stud earrings

The Perfect Saturday Pairing

Since I've decided to do a series of pairings, this is my idea of the perfect Saturday pairing: my Half Hourglass pendant and keshi pearl stud earrings. Nothing feels more relaxed then this!  To take a look at what you might like to pair take a look at my on-line store. Have a great weekend! Nikki

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So I decided to continue on...

So I decided to continue on...

So, I decided to stay with the "combinations" theme for the week.  Every once and a while it's fun to just play with jewelry!  The combination of the this truly original opal necklace and silver ring really stands out to me.  What stands out to you?  Go over to my on-line store and see what jumps out at you! Nikki

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I can't stop looking at this...

I can't stop looking at this...

In my last post I showed you my favorite earring and ring combination and it's got me thinking of other combinations I like.  Maybe it's because it is still July, but the combination of the blue kyanite earrings, red garnet ring  and white silver is making me smile.  Go over to my on-line store and see what makes you smile! Nikki

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silver aqua ring with coin pearl earrings

This is my current favorite combination...

I have to say, I'm really loving how the blue in this aqua Bezel Ring really picks up all the colors you can see in these coin pearl earrings.  I doesn't hurt that this also seems like the perfect summer combination!  Curious to see what your favorite combination is?  Go to my on-line store and see for your self! Nikki  

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